WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

Year: 2006

Publisher: THQ, Yuke's

Platform: Playstation 2

The WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW franchise, from THQ and developer Yuke's, may have finally hit a wall. Granted, we're on the eighth iteration of the series, which dates back all the way to the PlayStation era, and the series has steadily evolved with each sequel, with only a few missteps here and there. But with WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2007, it's tough not to harp on some of the major issues that have gone uncorrected year after year. The collision detection is still suspect. The artificial intelligence is still unreliable. Clipping problems still plague the graphics engine. Now, that's not to suggest that 2007 is devoid of merit. An all-new grappling system does a bit to give the game a fresh feel, and with the series' debut on the Xbox 360, you'll be treated to a glimpse of the visual treats you'll get to experience as SmackDown! inevitably moves from the older consoles to the current crop of hardware. With that said, this version will definitely feel familiar to PlayStation 2 owners. It's another great entry in the SmackDown! lineage that suffers only because what it fixes and improves isn't necessarily what is wrong with this aging game engine. Fans will undoubtedly enjoy it for what it is, but they'll also certainly be wondering if a true overhaul of the series is on the horizon. For full discription, go here.
